企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
These functions relate to[Quests]( "Quest"). [C\_QuestLine.GetAvailableQuestLines]( "API C QuestLine.GetAvailableQuestLines")(uiMapID) [C\_QuestLine.GetQuestLineInfo]( "API C QuestLine.GetQuestLineInfo")(questID, uiMapID) [C\_QuestLine.GetQuestLineQuests]( "API C QuestLine.GetQuestLineQuests")(questLineID) [C\_QuestLine.RequestQuestLinesForMap]( "API C QuestLine.RequestQuestLinesForMap")(uiMapID) [AbandonQuest]( "API AbandonQuest")() - Abandon the specified quest. [AcceptQuest]( "API AcceptQuest")() - Accept the specified quest. [AcknowledgeAutoAcceptQuest]( "API AcknowledgeAutoAcceptQuest")() [AddAutoQuestPopUp]( "API AddAutoQuestPopUp")(QuestID, Type) - Adds quest to an internal list of quests for offer/completion popup notification. [AddQuestWatch]( "API AddQuestWatch")(questIndex\[, watchTime\]) - Add a quest to the watch list. [AddWorldQuestWatch]( "API AddWorldQuestWatch (page does not exist)")(questId) - Adds a world quest to the watch list. [CanAbandonQuest]( "API CanAbandonQuest")(questID) [ClearAutoAcceptQuestSound]( "API ClearAutoAcceptQuestSound (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [CloseQuest]( "API CloseQuest (page does not exist)")() - Closes the shown quest. [CollapseQuestHeader]( "API CollapseQuestHeader")() - Collapses a quest header. [CompleteQuest]( "API CompleteQuest")() - Complete the specified quest. [ConfirmAcceptQuest]( "API ConfirmAcceptQuest")() - Accepts an offered quest that has been started by a party member; usually escort quests. (Might only be available after QUEST\_ACCEPT\_CONFIRM event.) [DeclineQuest]( "API DeclineQuest")() - Declines the currently offered quest. [ExpandQuestHeader]( "API ExpandQuestHeader")() - Expands a quest header. [GetAbandonQuestItems]( "API GetAbandonQuestItems (page does not exist)")() [GetAbandonQuestName]( "API GetAbandonQuestName")() - Gets the name of a quest while it is being abandoned. [GetActiveLevel]( "API GetActiveLevel (page does not exist)")(index) - Gets the level of an active quest (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [GetActiveTitle]( "API GetActiveTitle (page does not exist)")(index) - Gets the title of an active quest (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [GetAutoQuestPopUp]( "API GetAutoQuestPopUp")(Index) - Retrieves quest info by index that added using[AddAutoQuestPopUp]( "API AddAutoQuestPopUp"). [GetAvailableLevel]( "API GetAvailableLevel (page does not exist)")(index) - Gets the level of an available quest (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [GetAvailableQuestInfo]( "API GetAvailableQuestInfo")(index) - Returns metadata (quest type) about an available quest. [GetAvailableTitle]( "API GetAvailableTitle (page does not exist)")(index) - Gets the title of an available quest (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [GetCriteriaSpell]( "API GetCriteriaSpell (page does not exist)")() [GetDailyQuestsCompleted]( "API GetDailyQuestsCompleted (page does not exist)")() - Returns the current number of daily quests completed today. [GetGreetingText]( "API GetGreetingText (page does not exist)")() [GetMaxRewardCurrencies]( "API GetMaxRewardCurrencies (page does not exist)")() [GetNumActiveQuests]( "API GetNumActiveQuests (page does not exist)")() - Gets the number of currently active quests from this NPC (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [GetNumAutoQuestPopUps]( "API GetNumAutoQuestPopUps")() - Retrieves number of quests added via[AddAutoQuestPopUp]( "API AddAutoQuestPopUp"). [GetNumAvailableQuests]( "API GetNumAvailableQuests (page does not exist)")() - Gets the number of currently available quests from this NPC (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [GetNumQuestCurrencies]( "API GetNumQuestCurrencies (page does not exist)")() [GetNumQuestItemDrops]( "API GetNumQuestItemDrops (page does not exist)")() [GetNumQuestItems]( "API GetNumQuestItems")() - Returns the number of items necessary to complete a particular quest. [GetNumQuestLeaderBoards]( "API GetNumQuestLeaderBoards")(\[questIndex\]) - Returns the number of available quest objectives. [GetNumQuestPOIWorldEffects]( "API GetNumQuestPOIWorldEffects (page does not exist)")() [GetNumQuestRewards]( "API GetNumQuestRewards")() - Returns number of reward items (those that you always get) for quest currently in gossip window. [GetNumQuestWatches]( "API GetNumQuestWatches (page does not exist)")() - Returns the number of quest watches active. [GetNumRewardCurrencies]( "API GetNumRewardCurrencies")() [GetNumRewardSpells]( "API GetNumRewardSpells (page does not exist)")() [GetNumWorldQuestWatches]( "API GetNumWorldQuestWatches (page does not exist)")() [GetObjectiveText]( "API GetObjectiveText (page does not exist)")() - Gets the objective of the current quest. [GetProgressText]( "API GetProgressText")() - Returns quest progress text, displayed by the NPC before the player pressed "Continue". [GetQuestBackgroundMaterial]( "API GetQuestBackgroundMaterial")() - Returns the material string associated with the particular quest. [GetQuestBountyInfoForMapID]( "API GetQuestBountyInfoForMapID (page does not exist)")(mapID \[,table\]) [GetQuestCurrencyID]( "API GetQuestCurrencyID (page does not exist)")("type", index) [GetQuestCurrencyInfo]( "API GetQuestCurrencyInfo")("type", index) [GetQuestExpansion]( "API GetQuestExpansion (page does not exist)")(questID [GetQuestFactionGroup]( "API GetQuestFactionGroup (page does not exist)")(questID [GetQuestGreenRange]( "API GetQuestGreenRange")() - Returns for how many levels below you quests and mobs remain "green" (i.e. yield xp) [GetQuestID]( "API GetQuestID")() - Returns the ID of the quest most recently displayed in a gossip frame, even after that frame is closed. [GetQuestIndexForTimer]( "API GetQuestIndexForTimer")(timerID) - Gets the quest log index of a quest being timed. [GetQuestIndexForWatch]( "API GetQuestIndexForWatch")(watchIndx) - Returns the quest index for the specified watch. [GetQuestItemInfo]( "API GetQuestItemInfo")() - Returns basic information about the reward/choice/required item for quest currently in gossip window. [GetQuestItemLink]( "API GetQuestItemLink")("type", index) - Returns an[itemLink]( "ItemLink")for a selected quest reward/choice/required item for quest currently in gossip window. [GetQuestLink]( "API GetQuestLink")(index) - Returns a[QuestLink]( "QuestLink")for a quest. [GetQuestMoneyToGet]( "API GetQuestMoneyToGet (page does not exist)")() - Returns amount of money required for quest currently displayed in gossip. [GetQuestObjectiveInfo]( "API GetQuestObjectiveInfo")(questID, index, displayComplete) [GetQuestPOIBlobCount]( "API GetQuestPOIBlobCount (page does not exist)")(questID) [GetQuestPOILeaderBoard]( "API GetQuestPOILeaderBoard (page does not exist)")(index) [GetQuestPOIs]( "API GetQuestPOIs (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestPortraitGiver]( "API GetQuestPortraitGiver (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestPortraitTurnIn]( "API GetQuestPortraitTurnIn (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestProgressBarPercent]( "API GetQuestProgressBarPercent")(questID) [GetQuestResetTime]( "API GetQuestResetTime")() - Returns number of seconds until quest reset. [GetQuestReward]( "API GetQuestReward")(rewardIndex) - Completes the quest with the specified quest reward. [GetQuestSortIndex]( "API GetQuestSortIndex (page does not exist)")(questIndex) [GetQuestSpellLink]( "API GetQuestSpellLink (page does not exist)")(rewardSpellIndex) [GetQuestTagInfo]( "API GetQuestTagInfo")(questID) - Returns tag information about the specified quest. [GetQuestText]( "API GetQuestText (page does not exist)")() - Gets the description of the current quest. [GetQuestTimers]( "API GetQuestTimers")() - Returns all of the quest timers currently in progress. [GetQuestUiMapID]( "API GetQuestUiMapID (page does not exist)")(questID) [GetQuestWatchIndex]( "API GetQuestWatchIndex (page does not exist)")(index) [GetQuestWatchInfo]( "API GetQuestWatchInfo (page does not exist)")(index [GetQuestsCompleted]( "API GetQuestsCompleted")(\[table\]) - Returns table of completed quests. [GetRewardArtifactXP]( "API GetRewardArtifactXP (page does not exist)")() [GetRewardHonor]( "API GetRewardHonor (page does not exist)")() [GetRewardMoney]( "API GetRewardMoney (page does not exist)")() - Returns a amount of copper rewarded for completion of quest displayed in gossip. [GetRewardNumSkillUps]( "API GetRewardNumSkillUps (page does not exist)")() [GetRewardSkillLineID]( "API GetRewardSkillLineID (page does not exist)")() [GetRewardSkillPoints]( "API GetRewardSkillPoints (page does not exist)")() [GetRewardSpell]( "API GetRewardSpell")() - Returns name and texture of spell awarded for quest completion for quest currently in gossip window. [GetRewardText]( "API GetRewardText")() - Returns quest reward text, displayed by the NPC before the player hits "Complete Quest". [GetRewardTitle]( "API GetRewardTitle (page does not exist)")() - Returns the title awarded by the currently displayed quest. [GetRewardXP]( "API GetRewardXP")() - Returns the amount of experience awarded by the currently displayed text. [GetScalingQuestGreenRange]( "API GetScalingQuestGreenRange (page does not exist)")() [GetSuggestedGroupNum]( "API GetSuggestedGroupNum (page does not exist)")() [GetSuperTrackedQuestID]( "API GetSuperTrackedQuestID (page does not exist)")() [GetTitleText]( "API GetTitleText")() - Retrieves the title of the quest while talking to the NPC about it. [GetWorldQuestWatchInfo]( "API GetWorldQuestWatchInfo (page does not exist)")(index) [HaveQuestData]( "API HaveQuestData (page does not exist)")(questID [HaveQuestRewardData]( "API HaveQuestRewardData (page does not exist)")(questID) [IsActiveQuestLegendary]( "API IsActiveQuestLegendary (page does not exist)")(index) [IsActiveQuestTrivial]( "API IsActiveQuestTrivial (page does not exist)")(index) [IsAvailableQuestTrivial]( "API IsAvailableQuestTrivial (page does not exist)")(index) - Unused in FrameXML. [IsBreadcrumbQuest]( "API IsBreadcrumbQuest (page does not exist)")(questID) [IsCurrentQuestFailed]( "API IsCurrentQuestFailed (page does not exist)")() [IsQuestBounty]( "API IsQuestBounty (page does not exist)")(questID) [IsQuestCompletable]( "API IsQuestCompletable")() - Returns true if a quest is possible to complete. [IsQuestComplete]( "API IsQuestComplete")(questID [IsQuestCriteriaForBounty]( "API IsQuestCriteriaForBounty (page does not exist)")(questID, bountyQuestID) [IsQuestFlaggedCompleted]( "API IsQuestFlaggedCompleted")(questID) - Determine if a quest has been completed. [IsQuestHardWatched]( "API IsQuestHardWatched (page does not exist)")(index) [IsQuestIDValidSpellTarget]( "API IsQuestIDValidSpellTarget (page does not exist)")(questID) [IsQuestInvasion]( "API IsQuestInvasion (page does not exist)")(questID) [IsQuestItemHidden]( "API IsQuestItemHidden (page does not exist)")(index) [IsQuestSequenced]( "API IsQuestSequenced (page does not exist)")(questID [IsQuestWatched]( "API IsQuestWatched (page does not exist)")(questIndex) - Determine if the specified quest is watched. [IsStoryQuest]( "API IsStoryQuest (page does not exist)")(questID) - Unused in FrameXML. [IsTrackingHiddenQuests]( "API IsTrackingHiddenQuests (page does not exist)")() [IsUnitOnQuestByQuestID]( "API IsUnitOnQuestByQuestID (page does not exist)")(questId, "unit") - Determine if the specified unit is on the given quest. [IsUnitOnQuest]( "API IsUnitOnQuest")(questIndex, "unit") - Determine if the specified unit is on the given quest. [IsWorldQuestHardWatched]( "API IsWorldQuestHardWatched (page does not exist)")(questID) [IsWorldQuestWatched]( "API IsWorldQuestWatched (page does not exist)")(questId) - Determine if the world quest id is tracked. [PlayAutoAcceptQuestSound]( "API PlayAutoAcceptQuestSound (page does not exist)")() [QuestChooseRewardError]( "API QuestChooseRewardError")() - Throws an error when the quest choose reward method doesn't work. [QuestFlagsPVP]( "API QuestFlagsPVP (page does not exist)")() - Determine if the quest will flag you you for PvP when accepted. [QuestGetAutoAccept]( "API QuestGetAutoAccept")() - Returns whether the last-offered quest was automatically accepted. [QuestGetAutoLaunched]( "API QuestGetAutoLaunched (page does not exist)")() [QuestHasPOIInfo]( "API QuestHasPOIInfo (page does not exist)")(questID) [QuestIsDaily]( "API QuestIsDaily")() - Returns whether the offered quest is a daily quest. [QuestIsFromAreaTrigger]( "API QuestIsFromAreaTrigger (page does not exist)")() [QuestIsWeekly]( "API QuestIsWeekly")() - Returns whether the offered quest is a weekly quest. [QuestMapUpdateAllQuests]( "API QuestMapUpdateAllQuests (page does not exist)")() [QuestPOIGetIconInfo]( "API QuestPOIGetIconInfo (page does not exist)")(questID) [QuestPOIGetQuestIDByIndex]( "API QuestPOIGetQuestIDByIndex (page does not exist)")(index) [QuestPOIGetQuestIDByVisibleIndex]( "API QuestPOIGetQuestIDByVisibleIndex (page does not exist)")(index) [QuestPOIGetSecondaryLocations]( "API QuestPOIGetSecondaryLocations (page does not exist)")(questID, \[table\]) [QuestPOIUpdateIcons]( "API QuestPOIUpdateIcons (page does not exist)")() [RemoveAutoQuestPopUp]( "API RemoveAutoQuestPopUp (page does not exist)")() [RemoveQuestWatch]( "API RemoveQuestWatch")(questIndex) - Removes a quest watch by questIndex. [RemoveWorldQuestWatch]( "API RemoveWorldQuestWatch (page does not exist)")(questId) - Removes a world quest from the watch. [SelectActiveQuest]( "API SelectActiveQuest (page does not exist)")() - Selects an active quest from the NPC (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [SelectAvailableQuest]( "API SelectAvailableQuest (page does not exist)")() - Selects an available quest from the NPC (only available after QUEST\_GREETING event). [SetAbandonQuest]( "API SetAbandonQuest")() - Called before[AbandonQuest]( "API AbandonQuest"). [SetSuperTrackedQuestID]( "API SetSuperTrackedQuestID (page does not exist)")() [ShowQuestComplete]( "API ShowQuestComplete")(index) [ShowQuestOffer]( "API ShowQuestOffer (page does not exist)")(index) [SortQuestSortTypes]( "API SortQuestSortTypes (page does not exist)")() [SortQuestWatches]( "API SortQuestWatches")() - Sorts the watched quests according to proximity and returns whether the order changed since last sorting. [SortQuests]( "API SortQuests (page does not exist)")()