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These functions relate to[Macros]( "Macro"). NOCOMBAT[CreateMacro]( "API CreateMacro")("name", icon, "body", perCharacter, isLocal) - Create a new macro. [DeleteMacro]( "API DeleteMacro (page does not exist)")(id or "name") - Deletes a macro. NOCOMBAT[EditMacro]( "API EditMacro")(index, "name", iconIndex, "body", isLocal, perCharacter) - Saves a macro. [GetLooseMacroIcons]( "API GetLooseMacroIcons (page does not exist)")() [GetLooseMacroItemIcons]( "API GetLooseMacroItemIcons (page does not exist)")() [GetMacroBody]( "API GetMacroBody")(id or "name") - Returns the body (macro text) of a macro. [GetMacroIcons]( "API GetMacroIcons (page does not exist)")(table) - Returns an array of available macro texture paths (but not icons of items). [GetMacroIndexByName]( "API GetMacroIndexByName")("name") - Returns macro index. [GetMacroInfo]( "API GetMacroInfo")(id or "name") - Returns "name", "iconTexture", "body", isLocal. [GetMacroItemIcons]( "API GetMacroItemIcons (page does not exist)")(table) - Returns an array of available macro texture paths (icons of items). [GetMacroItem]( "API GetMacroItem (page does not exist)")() [GetMacroSpell]( "API GetMacroSpell")() [GetNumMacros]( "API GetNumMacros")() - Returns the number of macros the user has. [GetRunningMacroButton]( "API GetRunningMacroButton (page does not exist)")() [GetRunningMacro]( "API GetRunningMacro (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[RunMacro]( "API RunMacro")(id or "name") - Runs a macro. PROTECTED[RunMacroText]( "API RunMacroText")("macro") - Interpret the given string as a macro and run it. [SecureCmdOptionParse]( "API SecureCmdOptionParse")("command") - Used for evaluating conditionals in macros, returning the appropriate choice. [SetMacroItem]( "API SetMacroItem (page does not exist)")(macro, item \[,target\]) [SetMacroSpell]( "API SetMacroSpell (page does not exist)")(macro, spell \[,target\]) PROTECTED[StopMacro]( "API StopMacro (page does not exist)")() - Stops the currently executing macro.