ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、视频、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
These are functions which are specific to chat*window*management. [AddChatWindowChannel]( "API AddChatWindowChannel")(chatFrameIndex, "channel") - Make a chat channel visible in a specific ChatFrame. [AddChatWindowMessages]( "API AddChatWindowMessages")() - Adds a messaging group to the specified chat window. [ChangeChatColor]( "API ChangeChatColor")("channelName", r, g, b) - Update the color for a type of chat message. [GetAutoCompleteResults]( "API GetAutoCompleteResults")("text", include, exclude, maxResults\[, cursorPosition\]) - Returns possible player names matching a given prefix string and specified requirements. [GetChatTypeIndex]( "API GetChatTypeIndex")(type) - Get the numeric ID of a type of chat message. [GetChatWindowChannels]( "API GetChatWindowChannels")(index) - Get the chat channels received by a chat window. [GetChatWindowInfo]( "API GetChatWindowInfo")(index) - Get setup information about a chat window. [GetChatWindowMessages]( "API GetChatWindowMessages")(index) - Get the chat message types received by a chat window. [GetChatWindowSavedDimensions]( "API GetChatWindowSavedDimensions (page does not exist)")(index) [GetChatWindowSavedPosition]( "API GetChatWindowSavedPosition (page does not exist)")(index) [RedockChatWindows]( "API RedockChatWindows (page does not exist)")() [RemoveChatWindowChannel]( "API RemoveChatWindowChannel")(chatFrameIndex, "channel") - Make a chat channel invisible (hidden) in a specific ChatFrame. [RemoveChatWindowMessages]( "API RemoveChatWindowMessages")(chatFrameIndex, "messageGroup") - Remove a set of chat messages from this window. [ResetChatColors]( "API ResetChatColors (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [ResetChatWindows]( "API ResetChatWindows (page does not exist)")() [SetChatColorNameByClass]( "API SetChatColorNameByClass (page does not exist)")(chatType, colorNameByClass) [SetChatWindowAlpha]( "API SetChatWindowAlpha (page does not exist)")(index, alpha) - Sets the Alpha value(transparency) of ChatFrame (alpha - 0-100) [SetChatWindowColor]( "API SetChatWindowColor (page does not exist)")(index, r, g, b) - Sets the background color of a a chat window. (r/g/b - 0-255) [SetChatWindowDocked]( "API SetChatWindowDocked (page does not exist)")(index, docked) - Set whether a chat window is docked. (docked - 0/1) [SetChatWindowLocked]( "API SetChatWindowLocked (page does not exist)")(index, locked) - Sets ChatFrame so that it is or is not movable. (locked - 0/1) [SetChatWindowName]( "API SetChatWindowName (page does not exist)")(index, "name") - Sets the alpha value of ChatFrame. [SetChatWindowSavedDimensions]( "API SetChatWindowSavedDimensions (page does not exist)")(index, width, height) [SetChatWindowSavedPosition]( "API SetChatWindowSavedPosition (page does not exist)")(index, "point", xOffsetRatio, yOffsetRatio) [SetChatWindowShown]( "API SetChatWindowShown (page does not exist)")(index, shown) - Shows or Hides ChatFrame depending on value of (shown - 0/1) [SetChatWindowSize]( "API SetChatWindowSize (page does not exist)")(index, size) - Sets the font size of a chat window. (size - default 14) [SetChatWindowUninteractable]( "API SetChatWindowUninteractable (page does not exist)")(id, isUninteractable) UI[ChatFrame\_AddChannel]( "API ChatFrame AddChannel")(chatFrame, "channelName") - Activate channel in chatFrame. UI[ChatFrame\_AddMessageEventFilter]( "API ChatFrame AddMessageEventFilter")("event", filterFunc) - Add a chat message filtering function. UI[ChatFrame\_GetMessageEventFilters]( "API ChatFrame GetMessageEventFilters")("event") - Retreive the list of chat message filtering functions. UI[ChatFrame\_OnHyperlinkShow]( "API ChatFrame OnHyperlinkShow")(reference, link, button) - Called when the user clicks on a chatlink. UI[ChatFrame\_RemoveMessageEventFilter]( "API ChatFrame RemoveMessageEventFilter")("event", filterFunc) - Unregister a chat message filtering function.