ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
These functions relate to the[Paper doll]( "Paper doll")(also known as Character sheet) [C\_PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectiveness]( "API C PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectiveness")(armor, attackerLevel) [C\_PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectivenessAgainstTarget]( "API C PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectivenessAgainstTarget")(armor) [C\_PaperDollInfo.GetInspectItemLevel]( "API C PaperDollInfo.GetInspectItemLevel")("unit") - Returns the average item level for the unit being inspected. [C\_PaperDollInfo.GetMinItemLevel]( "API C PaperDollInfo.GetMinItemLevel")() [C\_PaperDollInfo.GetStaggerPercentage]( "API C PaperDollInfo.GetStaggerPercentage")("unit") [C\_PaperDollInfo.OffhandHasShield]( "API C PaperDollInfo.OffhandHasShield")() [C\_PaperDollInfo.OffhandHasWeapon]( "API C PaperDollInfo.OffhandHasWeapon")() [CanDualWield]( "API CanDualWield (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [GetAttackPowerForStat]( "API GetAttackPowerForStat")(stat, value) - Returns the amount of attack power contributed by a specified amount of a particular stat. [GetAvoidance]( "API GetAvoidance (page does not exist)")() [GetBlockChance]( "API GetBlockChance")() - Returns the player's percentage block chance. [GetCombatRatingBonusForCombatRatingValue]( "API GetCombatRatingBonusForCombatRatingValue (page does not exist)")(ratingIndex, value) [GetCombatRatingBonus]( "API GetCombatRatingBonus")(ratingID) - Returns the player's combat rating bonus for a particular combat rating. [GetCombatRating]( "API GetCombatRating")(ratingID) - Returns the player's combat rating for a particular combat rating. [GetCritChanceProvidesParryEffect]( "API GetCritChanceProvidesParryEffect (page does not exist)")() [GetCritChance]( "API GetCritChance")() - Returns the player's melee critical hit chance. [GetDodgeChanceFromAttribute]( "API GetDodgeChanceFromAttribute (page does not exist)")() [GetDodgeChance]( "API GetDodgeChance")() - Returns the player's percentage dodge chance. [GetExpertise]( "API GetExpertise")() - Returns the player's expertise percentage for main hand, offhand and ranged attacks. [GetHaste]( "API GetHaste (page does not exist)")() - Returns the player's haste percentage. [GetHitModifier]( "API GetHitModifier")() [GetLifesteal]( "API GetLifesteal")() [GetManaRegen]( "API GetManaRegen")() - Returns the player's mana regeneration rates. [GetMasteryEffect]( "API GetMasteryEffect")() - Returns the player's buffed mastery in percentage and (unknown number value). [GetMastery]( "API GetMastery")() - Returns the player's mastery before mastery rating. [GetMaxCombatRatingBonus]( "API GetMaxCombatRatingBonus (page does not exist)")(ratingIndex) [GetMeleeHaste]( "API GetMeleeHaste (page does not exist)")() - Returns player's Melee attack haste. [GetModResilienceDamageReduction]( "API GetModResilienceDamageReduction (page does not exist)")() [GetOverrideAPBySpellPower]( "API GetOverrideAPBySpellPower (page does not exist)")() [GetOverrideSpellPowerByAP]( "API GetOverrideSpellPowerByAP (page does not exist)")() [GetPVPGearStatRules]( "API GetPVPGearStatRules (page does not exist)")() [GetParryChanceFromAttribute]( "API GetParryChanceFromAttribute (page does not exist)")() [GetParryChance]( "API GetParryChance")() - Returns the player's percentage parry chance. [GetPetMeleeHaste]( "API GetPetMeleeHaste (page does not exist)")() [GetPetSpellBonusDamage]( "API GetPetSpellBonusDamage (page does not exist)")() [GetPowerRegenForPowerType]( "API GetPowerRegenForPowerType (page does not exist)")("POWER\_TYPE") [GetPowerRegen]( "API GetPowerRegen (page does not exist)")() - Returns normal and combat power regeneration rates. [GetPvpPowerDamage]( "API GetPvpPowerDamage")() - Unused in FrameXML. [GetPvpPowerHealing]( "API GetPvpPowerHealing")() - Unused in FrameXML. [GetRangedCritChance]( "API GetRangedCritChance")() - Returns the players ranged critical strike chance. [GetRangedHaste]( "API GetRangedHaste (page does not exist)")() [GetShieldBlock]( "API GetShieldBlock")() [GetSpeed]( "API GetSpeed (page does not exist)")() [GetSpellBonusDamage]( "API GetSpellBonusDamage")(spellTreeID) - Returns the raw spell damage of the player for a given spell tree. [GetSpellBonusHealing]( "API GetSpellBonusHealing")() - Returns the raw bonus healing of the player. [GetSpellCritChance]( "API GetSpellCritChance")(school) - Returns the players critical hit chance with a particular spell school. [GetSpellHitModifier]( "API GetSpellHitModifier")() [GetSpellPenetration]( "API GetSpellPenetration (page does not exist)")() [GetSturdiness]( "API GetSturdiness (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [GetUnitHealthModifier]( "API GetUnitHealthModifier (page does not exist)")("unit") - Unused in FrameXML. [GetUnitMaxHealthModifier]( "API GetUnitMaxHealthModifier (page does not exist)")("unit") [GetUnitPowerModifier]( "API GetUnitPowerModifier (page does not exist)")("unit") - Unused in FrameXML. [GetVersatilityBonus]( "API GetVersatilityBonus (page does not exist)")("COMBAT\_RATING") [HasAPEffectsSpellPower]( "API HasAPEffectsSpellPower (page does not exist)")() [HasDualWieldPenalty]( "API HasDualWieldPenalty (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [HasIgnoreDualWieldWeapon]( "API HasIgnoreDualWieldWeapon (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [HasSPEffectsAttackPower]( "API HasSPEffectsAttackPower (page does not exist)")() [IsDualWielding]( "API IsDualWielding")() - Unused in FrameXML. [IsRangedWeapon]( "API IsRangedWeapon (page does not exist)")() [PlayerEffectiveAttackPower]( "API PlayerEffectiveAttackPower (page does not exist)")() [ResistancePercent]( "API ResistancePercent (page does not exist)")(resistance, casterLevel)