ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
[C\_QuestLog.GetMapForQuestPOIs]( "API C QuestLog.GetMapForQuestPOIs")() [C\_QuestLog.GetMaxNumQuestsCanAccept]( "API C QuestLog.GetMaxNumQuestsCanAccept")() - This is the maximum number of standard quests a player can accept. These are quests that are normally visible in the quest log. [C\_QuestLog.GetMaxNumQuests]( "API C QuestLog.GetMaxNumQuests")() - This is the maximum number of quests a player can be on, including hidden quests, world quests, emissaries etc [C\_QuestLog.GetNextWaypoint]( "API C QuestLog.GetNextWaypoint")(questID) [C\_QuestLog.GetNextWaypointForMap]( "API C QuestLog.GetNextWaypointForMap")(questID, uiMapID) [C\_QuestLog.GetNextWaypointText]( "API C QuestLog.GetNextWaypointText")(questID) [C\_QuestLog.GetNumQuestObjectives]( "API C QuestLog.GetNumQuestObjectives")(questID) [C\_QuestLog.GetQuestInfo]( "API C QuestLog.GetQuestInfo")(questID) [C\_QuestLog.GetQuestObjectives]( "API C QuestLog.GetQuestObjectives")(questID) - Returns information about objective status for a quest. [C\_QuestLog.GetQuestsOnMap]( "API C QuestLog.GetQuestsOnMap")(uiMapID) [C\_QuestLog.GetZoneStoryInfo]( "API C QuestLog.GetZoneStoryInfo")(uiMapID) [C\_QuestLog.IsLegendaryQuest]( "API C QuestLog.IsLegendaryQuest")(questID) [C\_QuestLog.IsOnQuest]( "API C QuestLog.IsOnQuest")(questID) [C\_QuestLog.QuestHasWarModeBonus]( "API C QuestLog.QuestHasWarModeBonus")(questID) [C\_QuestLog.SetMapForQuestPOIs]( "API C QuestLog.SetMapForQuestPOIs")(uiMapID) [C\_QuestLog.ShouldShowQuestRewards]( "API C QuestLog.ShouldShowQuestRewards")(questID) [GetNumQuestLogChoices]( "API GetNumQuestLogChoices")() - Returns the number of options someone has when getting a quest item. [GetNumQuestLogEntries]( "API GetNumQuestLogEntries")() - Returns the number of entries in the quest log. [GetNumQuestLogRewardCurrencies]( "API GetNumQuestLogRewardCurrencies (page does not exist)")() [GetNumQuestLogRewardFactions]( "API GetNumQuestLogRewardFactions (page does not exist)")() [GetNumQuestLogRewardSpells]( "API GetNumQuestLogRewardSpells (page does not exist)")() - Returns the number of spell rewards for the current selected quest. [GetNumQuestLogRewards]( "API GetNumQuestLogRewards")() - Returns the count of the rewards for a particular quest. (7.0.3) [GetNumTreasurePickerItems]( "API GetNumTreasurePickerItems (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [GetQuestLogCompletionText]( "API GetQuestLogCompletionText (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogCriteriaSpell]( "API GetQuestLogCriteriaSpell (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogGroupNum]( "API GetQuestLogGroupNum (page does not exist)")() - Returns suggested number of players for quest selected currently in log or 0 if there's no suggestion. [GetQuestLogIndexByID]( "API GetQuestLogIndexByID")(questID) - Returns the index of the specified questID in the quest log. [GetQuestLogIsAutoComplete]( "API GetQuestLogIsAutoComplete (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogItemDrop]( "API GetQuestLogItemDrop (page does not exist)")(index) [GetQuestLogItemLink]( "API GetQuestLogItemLink")("type", index) - Returns item link for selected quest reward/choice/required item from quest log. [GetQuestLogLeaderBoard]( "API GetQuestLogLeaderBoard")(ldrIndex\[, questIndex\]) - Gets information about the objectives for a quest. [GetQuestLogPortraitGiver]( "API GetQuestLogPortraitGiver (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogPortraitTurnIn]( "API GetQuestLogPortraitTurnIn (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogPushable]( "API GetQuestLogPushable")() - Returns true if the currently loaded quest in the quest window can be shared. [GetQuestLogQuestText]( "API GetQuestLogQuestText")() - Returns the description and objectives required for the specified quest. [GetQuestLogQuestType]( "API GetQuestLogQuestType (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogRequiredMoney]( "API GetQuestLogRequiredMoney (page does not exist)")() - Returns amount of money required for quest completion from quest log. [GetQuestLogRewardArtifactXP]( "API GetQuestLogRewardArtifactXP (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo]( "API GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo")(index, \[questID\]) [GetQuestLogRewardFactionInfo]( "API GetQuestLogRewardFactionInfo (page does not exist)")(questIndex) [GetQuestLogRewardHonor]( "API GetQuestLogRewardHonor (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogRewardInfo]( "API GetQuestLogRewardInfo")() - Returns a pile of reward item info from the quest log. [GetQuestLogRewardMoney]( "API GetQuestLogRewardMoney")() - Returns a number representing the amount of copper returned by a particular quest. [GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints]( "API GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogRewardSpell]( "API GetQuestLogRewardSpell")() - Returns name and texture of spell awarded for quest completion from quest log. [GetQuestLogRewardTitle]( "API GetQuestLogRewardTitle (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogRewardXP]( "API GetQuestLogRewardXP (page does not exist)")() [GetQuestLogSelection]( "API GetQuestLogSelection")() - Returns a number associated with the QuestLogSelection index. [GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown]( "API GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown (page does not exist)")(index) [GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo]( "API GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo (page does not exist)")(index) [GetQuestLogSpellLink]( "API GetQuestLogSpellLink (page does not exist)")(rewardSpellIndex) [GetQuestLogTimeLeft]( "API GetQuestLogTimeLeft")() - Returns the seconds remaining on the current quest timer. [GetQuestLogTitle]( "API GetQuestLogTitle")(index) - Returns verbose data about a particular quest log entry: level requirement, tag, suggested group, completed status, etc. [GetTreasurePickerItemInfo]( "API GetTreasurePickerItemInfo (page does not exist)")(index, \[questID\]) - Unused in FrameXML. [IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange]( "API IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange (page does not exist)")(index \[,target\]) [ProcessQuestLogRewardFactions]( "API ProcessQuestLogRewardFactions (page does not exist)")() [QuestLogPushQuest]( "API QuestLogPushQuest")() - Initiates the sharing of the currently viewed quest in the quest log. [QuestLogRewardHasTreasurePicker]( "API QuestLogRewardHasTreasurePicker (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [QuestLogShouldShowPortrait]( "API QuestLogShouldShowPortrait (page does not exist)")() [SelectQuestLogEntry]( "API SelectQuestLogEntry")() - Sets the selected quest, required for most GetQuest functions. [UseQuestLogSpecialItem]( "API UseQuestLogSpecialItem (page does not exist)")(index)