ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
HW[C\_UI.Reload]( "API C UI.Reload")() - Reloads the UI from source files. [CancelLogout]( "API CancelLogout")() - Cancels the logout timer (from camping or quitting). PROTECTED[CopyToClipboard]( "API CopyToClipboard (page does not exist)")("text") - Copies text to the clipboard. [DetectWowMouse]( "API DetectWowMouse (page does not exist)")() - Attempts to detect the world of warcraft MMO mouse. [FlashClientIcon]( "API FlashClientIcon (page does not exist)")() - Flashes the game client icon in the Operating System. PROTECTED[ForceLogout]( "API ForceLogout")() PROTECTED[ForceQuit]( "API ForceQuit")() - Instantly quits the game, bypassing the timer. [GetBuildInfo]( "API GetBuildInfo")() - Returns information about current client build. [GetFramerate]( "API GetFramerate")() - Returns the current framerate (full precision) [Is64BitClient]( "API Is64BitClient (page does not exist)")() [IsDebugBuild]( "API IsDebugBuild (page does not exist)")() [IsGMClient]( "API IsGMClient")() [IsKioskModeEnabled]( "API IsKioskModeEnabled (page does not exist)")() [IsLinuxClient]( "API IsLinuxClient")() - Boolean - Returns true if WoW is being run on Linux. [IsLoggedIn]( "API IsLoggedIn (page does not exist)")() - Returns nil before the PLAYER\_LOGIN event has fired, 1 afterwards. [IsMacClient]( "API IsMacClient")() - Returns true if WoW is being run on Mac. [IsOnGlueScreen]( "API IsOnGlueScreen")() [IsPublicBuild]( "API IsPublicBuild (page does not exist)")() [IsTestBuild]( "API IsTestBuild (page does not exist)")() [IsWindowsClient]( "API IsWindowsClient")() - Returns true if WoW is being run on Windows. [LoadURLIndex]( "API LoadURLIndex (page does not exist)")(index) PROTECTED[Logout]( "API Logout")() - Logs the user out of the game. PROTECTED[Quit]( "API Quit")() - Quits the game. [Screenshot]( "API Screenshot")() - Takes a screenshot. [SendSystemMessage]( "API SendSystemMessage")("message") - Fires a CHAT\_MSG\_SYSTEM event for yourself. PROTECTED[Stuck]( "API Stuck")() - Informs the game engine that the player is Stuck. UI[ToggleFramerate]( "API ToggleFramerate")() - Show/Hide the FPS. UI[message]( "API message")("text") - Displays a message box with your text message and an "Okay" button.